God's Existence, Science and Faith, Suffering and Evil, Jesus' Resurrection, and Book Reviews

Book Review: Time For Truth: Living Free In A World of Lies, Hype, and Spin


"Time for Truth: Living Free In A World of Lies, Hype, and Spin" by Os Guinness has been on my reading list for several years now. It is a relatively short book, so I popped it in my bag to read during downtime on a trip to see family. By the time I had made it through the first chapter, I wished that I had made time to read it sooner!

In today's cultural and political climate that seems to twist and spin reality to fit certain narratives, it is vital that people be able to distinguish between truth from falsehood. The history of the East demonstrates the implications of denying truth as an accurate reflection of reality. In "Time for Truth" sociologist Os Guiness takes the reader through the philosophies and events that led to the fall of the East and compares them to current philosophies and events in the West. He warns that if the West continues on its current trajectory, it is headed for a similar collapse.

As usual, this review will take the form of a chapter-by-chapter summary and conclude with my thoughts and recommendation. 

Brandt Jean and Amber Guyger: Colored People Who Depend On A Holy Grace

Brandt Jean (brother of Botham Jean) offers forgiveness to Amber Guyger

An Amazing Scene

October 3rd 2019 saw an incredible event take place in the state of Texas. As the sentencing of former police officer, Amber Guyger for the murder of Botham Jean took place, the brother of Botham, Brandt, extended forgiveness to the convicted murderer. He explained that he loved her and wanted the best for her. He invited her to seek forgiveness from God and, to the surprise of everyone in the courtroom, he asked the judge if he could give her a hug. To say that the scene was "powerful to witness" would be an understatement. You can read more and see the touching video here:

Young Man Stuns Courtroom By Forgiving Brother's Murderer, Urging Her To Seek Christ

This event and trial have been plagued with charges of racism, hatred, and division. But Brandt decided to break through all that to show Amber the love and forgiveness of Christ offered to everyone who will seek it. I am reminded tonight of the words of one of my favorite songs growing up on the 90s:
"We're colored people and we live in a tainted place...We've got a history so full of mistakes. And we are colored people who depend upon a holy grace." 
If these lyrics do not sound familiar, or you are recalling them for the first time in a while and want to hear the song again, here is the original music video from dc Talk:

It is only in the Christian worldview that we find unity in this amazing colorful diversity. We are all created in the Image of God with equal and intrinsic value. We all make mistakes, mistakes with some of the most devastating and fatal impacts and consequences on our fellow human beings, but there is no mistake that is beyond the forgiveness of a loving God for those who genuinely seek His forgiveness. It is my prayer that Guyger seeks this forgiveness.

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