My purposes behind these reviews is to reinforce for myself the main points of these books and prepare you (my readers) with a foundation of the book's content so you may get more from it when (if) you do read it. With those in mind my reviews tend to be more of a chapter-by-chapter summary and not necessarily critical- if I am particularly concerned with something, I will cover it in other posts.
A small portion of my books have been free "review" copies, but I do not accept any review copies that come with even a hint of an obligation to provide a favorable assessment, so you may rest assured that my recommendations (or lack thereof) are what I actually think of these books.
I have listed the books in alphabetical order (including articles) for easy navigation if you are looking for a review of a specific title. For those who are looking the newest reviews, I have included "NEW" for quick identification.
Posts with my favorite quotes from the books are also linked.
- 7 Truths That Changed The World- Kenneth Samples (Quotes)
- A Basic Guide to Interpreting The Bible- Robert Stein
- A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy- Hugh Ross (Quotes)
- Another Gospel? A Life Long Christian Seeks Truth In Response to Progressive Christianity- Alisa Childers
- Agents Under Fire- Angus Menuge
- Alive: A Cold-Case Approach to the Resurrection- J. Warner Wallace
- Always Be Ready: A Call to Adventurous Faith- Hugh Ross
- Before You Hit Send: Preventing Headache and Heartache- Emerson Eggerichs
- Can Man Live Without God- Ravi Zacharias (Quotes)
- Chosen But Free- Norman Geisler
- Christian Endgame- Kenneth Samples
- Christian Ethics- Norman Geisler
- Cold-Case Christianity- J. Warner Wallace (Quotes)
- Cold-Case Christianity for Kids- J. Warner Wallace
- Come, Let Us Reason: Norman Geisler and Ronald Brooks (Quotes)
- Creating God In The Image of Man- Norman Geisler
- Creating Life In The Lab- Fazale Rana
- Creator and the Cosmos- Hugh Ross
- Designed to the Core- Hugh Ross
- Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth- Fazale Rana
- Doubting: Growing Through The Uncertainties of Faith- Alister McGrath
- Forensic Faith- J. Warner Wallace
- Genesis, Science, and the Beginning- Ben Smith
- God's Crime Scene- J. Warner Wallace (Quotes)
- God's Crime Scene for Kids- J. Warner Wallace
- Has Christianity Failed You?- Ravi Zacharias (Quotes)
- Hidden Treasures In The Book of Job- Hugh Ross
- How To Read A Book- Mortimer Adler and Charles van Doren
- Improbable Planet: How Earth Became Humanity's Home- Hugh Ross
- Inference to the One True God- Evan Minton
- Legislating Morality: Is It Wise, Is It Legal, Is It Possible- Norman Geisler & Frank Turek (Quotes)
- Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men- Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, Mark Clark
- Magna Carta of Humanity- Os Guinness
- More Than A Theory- Hugh Ross
- Navigating Genesis- Hugh Ross (Quotes)
- Origin Science: A Proposal for the Creation/Evolution Controversy- Norman Geisler (Quotes)
- Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face Off- Hugh Ross & Fazale Rana
- Peril in Paradise- Mark S. Whorton (Quotes)
- NEW Person of Interest- J. Warner Wallace
- Programming of Life- Donald E. Johnson (Quotes)
- Questioning The Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible's Authority- Jonathan Morrow
- Relativism: Feet Planted in Mid-Air (Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith)
- Rock Solid: Reasons to Believe Six Crucial Biblical Truths- Tom Gender
- Salvation and Sovereignty: A Molinist Approach- Kenneth Keathley
- Scientism and Secularism- J.P. Moreland
- Stealing From God- Frank Turek
- Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions- Greg Koukl (Quotes)
- The Beauty of Intolerance: Setting A Generation Free To Know Truth and Love- Josh and Sean McDowell
- The Bible Among The Myths- John N. Oswalt
- The Case For Life- Scott Klusendorf
- The Creator Revealed: A Physicist Examines the Big Bang and the Bible- Michael G. Strauss (Quotes)
- The Grand Weaver- Ravi Zacharias (Quotes)
- The Historical Jesus- Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ- Gary Habermas
- The Making of An Atheist- James Spiegel
- The Message Behind The Movie- Doug Beaumont
- The Purpose Driven Life- Rick Warren
- The Risen Jesus and Future Hope- Gary Habermas
- The Only Wise God- William Lane Craig
- The Word of God and The Mind of Man- Ronald Nash
- This is Your Brain On Music- Daniel Levitin
- Time For Truth: Living Free In A World of Lies, Hype, and Spin- Os Guinness (Quotes)
- Truth Matters- Tom Gender
- Welcome to College- Jonathan Morrow
- Where The Conflict Really Lies- Alvin Plantinga
- Who's Afraid of the Multiverse?- Jeff Zweerink
- Who Was Adam?- Hugh Ross and Fazale Rana
- Why It Doesn't Matter What YOU Believe If Its Not True- Stephen McAndrew (Quotes)
- Why The Universe Is The Way It Is- Hugh Ross (Quotes)
A special "thanks"...
To Cross Examined, Apologetics 315, The Christian Apologetics Alliance, and The Poached Egg for posting these reviews in part or in whole on their sites. For more book reviews from each of these sources, please follow these links: CE, A315, CAA, TPE.