God's Existence, Science and Faith, Suffering and Evil, Jesus' Resurrection, and Book Reviews

Has Christianity Failed You? by Ravi Zacharias- Audio Book Highlight


Audio is one of my favorite ways to consume books. I've found that its a great way to review the books that I've read when I just need a refresher or to have the hard copy (or ebook) and read along. It is tough to pass up a great deal on the audio versions of my favorite books, and I never want to pass up the opportunity to let others know of a great deal. Twice every year ChristianAudio.com runs a sale on most of their collection of audio books, and you can usually pick them up for $7.49. It is now that time of year!

I will be highlighting some of my favorite audio books. I'll include a few of my favorite quotes from the books, my recommendation from my chapter-by-chapter reviews, links to posts that were inspired by the books, and, of course, I will include links to the audio book deal throughout the article. Today, I am highlighting "Has Christianity Failed You?" by Ravi Zacharias.

"Has Christianity Failed You?" by Ravi Zacharias- In His Own Words

"Has Christianity Failed You?" by Ravi Zacharias- My Recommendation

One of the major obstacles that I come against in defending the Christian worldview is simply a misunderstanding of the worldview. So many times people tell me that they reject Christianity based on one thing or another that Christianity teaches. In the vast majority of the cases people are rejecting something that is not Christian but they believe is Christian.

In "Has Christianity Failed You?" Ravi Zacharias tackles this exact issue. If emphasis could be added in a title, I would place it on "Christianity". He believes that it is not Christianity that has failed people, but what they think is Christianity. Ravi introduces his book by telling of an open forum on the topic of this book that he spoke. The audience was eager to hear what Ravi had to say about the apparent failures of Christianity, intellectually and emotionally. This book is his thoughts on the issue.

"Has Christianity Failed You?" has been a great book. Because of its emphasis, I recommend it for those who feel that Christianity has failed, but I also recommend it for every Christian out there- especially those in a position of leadership (be it in your family, your church, or among your friends). Even though I am a firm Christian, it has helped me to recognize where I do still fail, and those outside the faith see it and turn away. To them my life is Christianity acted out; if I do not take it seriously, they don't see a reason to either.
For the full review, click or tap here

"Too many have so humanized God and deified man that we can scarcely tell the difference any more."

"The implication in our disenchantment with Christianity is that God is not who we thought he was or who we thought he ought to be." 

"Moral categories must exist with certainty; otherwise the very critique of God as being "immoral" is a self-defeating argument because if there is no morality, God cannot be immoral-- no matter what he does."

"The seduction of the lie that God makes everything comfortable for us is precisely the reason many have been unable to face the tensions they experience in living the Christian life."

"Christianity does not promise that you will have every question fully answered to your satisfaction before you die, but the answers it gives are consistently consistent."

Quote from Ravi Zacharias' Christian apologetics book "Has Christianity Failed You?": "Christianity does not promise that you will have every question fully answered to your satisfaction before you die, but the answers it gives are consistently consistent."

"The inherent danger within all of us is that no matter what God does, someone will wish he had done it differently. The gift of faith is precisely what makes it possible to accept that God works in his own way (which is not always our way), in his own time, and for his purpose." 

"The truth is that there are valid arguments for the existence of God. There are arguments raised by atheists that present serious challenges for those who believe in God. There are experiences that people have that demand explanation. There are struggles on both sides of the issue. So the bottom line becomes this: Which side of the argument best takes into consideration all of reality without amputating any of it?"

Quote from Ravi Zacharias' Christian apologetics book "Has Christianity Failed You?": "The truth is that there are valid arguments for the existence of God. There are arguments raised by atheists that present serious challenges for those who believe in God. There are experiences that people have that demand explanation. There are struggles on both sides of the issue. So the bottom line becomes this: Which side of the argument best takes into consideration all of reality without amputating any of it?"

"Only the body of Christ, the church, has a Savior whose body was broken and whose blood was shed to bring pardon and healing to the bruised and broken, the fallen and defeated. Only the church that understands the message of forgiveness will reach out to those around it rather than condemning them."

"Has Christianity Failed You?" by Ravi Zacharias- Inspired Posts

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