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Book Review: "Championship Fathering"

Championship Fathering
By Carey Casey

I want to start out this review by saying that I really enjoyed this book.Carey Casey the the president of the National Fatherhood Institute and has been a chaplin for almost every NFL team at some point. He wrote this book to combine his experience as a father himself with players' experiences as both fathers and children along with his research.

I like how Casey starts off by telling the reader that he is not claiming to be a perfect father or know all there is about fathering. He just has many words of wisdom that he wishes to pass along to other fathers. Casey focuses on what he has found are the three most important aspects of being a father. Loving, Coaching and Modeling. Casey tells many stories about his life as a father, his father, and his players as fathers and children. He points out many different perspectives and ideas to help fathers play a larger positive role in their children's lives.

Even though I'm not a father yet, Casey outlined many things that I can use to build a good relationship with my neices and nephews. The book was a short, easy read. It did make me stop and think about my own father and the other fathers I see, though.

I recommend this book for every father or father-to-be out there.