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Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgiveness. Show all posts

Giving Lip Service to Martin Luther King and The Civil Rights Movement

The American Charade

I find it quite interesting that a large portion of the American population has abandoned Martin Luther King's dream but still gives lip service to civil rights every year. What do I mean by that? Take a look at this quote from his speech "I Have A Dream": 

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

Notice that Dr. King appeals to the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson (and the Declaration's signatories) understood that the idea that "all men are created equal" and that all people have intrinsic and equal rights and dignity (black lives matter, and so do all other lives) is completely dependent upon the truth of the claim that all humans are created in the Image of God. If that claim is false, then no humans have intrinsic or equal rights or dignity (black lives do not matter and neither do any other lives). As Americans continue to abandon God, they abandon the only foundation for intrinsic and equal human rights and dignity; they are abandoning the idea that black lives matter but are holding on to the phrase because everyone knows that the phrase conveys a truth about reality despite their philosophical denial of it. These Americans are playing a charade.

Quote from "Magna Carta of Humanity" by Os Guinness- "Where Sinai (and Jesus of Nazareth and his followers down through Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.) stand for love that drives out hate, just as light drives out darkness, the left perpetuates and exploits the hate and the darkness as its instruments of power."

Further, from Dr. King:

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

In today's cultural climate of identity politics, classification by skin color (ala Critical Race Theory [CRT]) is one of the many (illegitimate) ways that people are judged. This is explicitly what Dr. King said his dream was not. All those who support CRT have slapped Dr. King and the civil rights movement in the face. How?

In Critical Race Theory, "oppressed" and "oppressor" are defined by the immutable attribute of skin color. And only the "oppressed" can identify true oppression. If you have the skin color that is categorized as "oppressed," you literally cannot not be oppressed. Even if you don't feel like you're being oppressed and all actions around you and toward you are not oppressive, you are still oppressed. This is a victimhood trap that cannot be escaped. CRT places certain groups of people permanently under oppression with no escape from oppression and no hope of ever not being oppressed.

CRT gives lip service to racial reconciliation and healing, but it not only does not provide a mechanism for such reconciliation and healing, it conducts psychological warfare against every race that ensures that there is no possibility of reconciliation and healing. Critical Race Theory promotes hate and revenge among races. CRT is a trap for all races, not just the "oppressed" ones. It offers no escape, no hope, no healing, and no future.

Quote from "Magna Carta of Humanity" by Os Guinness- "Americans, including many on the progressive left, pay homage to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. but the chasm between Dr. King and the progressive left has grown vaster by the year. His ideal of the 'content of your character' matters little today. The highly racist color of your skin (or the sexist combination of your X and Y chromosomes and the ageist date of your birth) is everything."

The Record of History

History has already demonstrated what happens when a nation rejects such an idea and its foundations in the Holocaust. Unfortunately, it seems that this piece of history may be in preparation of being repeated as anti-Semitism is on the rise today, and CRT certainly has not way to stop it. 

History has also demonstrated what happens when individuals say that they believe humans have equal and intrinsic rights then act inconsistently with such beliefs (many of America's founding fathers did have slaves). Once again, Dr. King:

"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love."

The way of Martin Luther King and the civil rights movement is love and forgiveness not hate and revenge. What identity politics and critical race theory have done for America is pit group against group, race against race. Because it permanently labels people as "oppressed" and "oppressor," there is no path to forgiveness, reconciliation, cooperation, or love. Critical Race Theory offers nothing to achieve Martin Luther King's dream; in fact, it explicitly denies the goodness and rightness of Dr. King's dream and deliberately works against it to ensure that the dream is never realized. 

Americans' Role in Stopping the Charade

It is time for Americans to take a stand against and a stand for. Against the ideas that will destroy any foundation for objective human rights, dignity, and intrinsic value (including atheism, identity politics, and all forms of critical theory). Against the ideas that promote hate and revenge. And for the truth of the reality that humans are created in God's Image, thus the reality that all humans have intrinsic value and equal rights and dignity. For the truth that love and forgiveness are the best way forward. For the fact that these are not merely opinions that are only as fashionable as those in power but are backed up by their reflection of reality. 

The Church's Role in Stopping the Charade

While truth is true even if no one believes it, and falsehood is false even if everyone believes it, it is time that the Church takes the defenders of truth seriously (apologists). If Martin Luther King and the legacy of the Civil Rights movement is to be properly honored and maintained (and not just the terms used with different notions), the Church needs to present its case for the Truth to the world. Americans need to have confidence in the knowledge that all humans are created in God's Image, that it is not just a nice ideology that is as tenuous as the culture of the day (or minute with social media).

Conclusion- Martin Luther King's Legacy Is In Danger

If there is not a change in the heart of America, might will make right, not truth and not reality. Americans will become slaves to the power of culture's existential fancies. As long as Martin Luther King is useful to turn group against group, lip service will continue to be given in order to mask the "divide and conquer" strategy to maintain power and control against those who those in power despise. But once that pretense is no longer fashionable, Martin Luther King will be erased from the history books, and America will become the next perpetrator of human rights violations (again) against whichever groups of people are unpopular, hated, or despised at that moment.

For more on this I highly recommend these resources:

The Scourge of Racism in America

The Scourge In America

With the murder of George Floyd, America is going through yet another devastating national event that has triggered emotions and violence rather than unity, comfort, and perseverance. Racial division and tribalism in America has long been perpetuated by those who stand to gain from America's division and unrest. As a result, so many Americans are tired of having their motives and hearts assumed to be evil because of the evil actions of a relatively few guilty people that happen to match their same physical description. It seems that this scourge has been on the rise in America. It is time that Americans come together to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn while we reason a way through the current devastation and towards a reconciled and healed future. If we do not, this great nation will fall, and we have only ourselves and our pride to blame.

Brandt Jean and Amber Guyger: Colored People Who Depend On A Holy Grace

Brandt Jean (brother of Botham Jean) offers forgiveness to Amber Guyger

An Amazing Scene

October 3rd 2019 saw an incredible event take place in the state of Texas. As the sentencing of former police officer, Amber Guyger for the murder of Botham Jean took place, the brother of Botham, Brandt, extended forgiveness to the convicted murderer. He explained that he loved her and wanted the best for her. He invited her to seek forgiveness from God and, to the surprise of everyone in the courtroom, he asked the judge if he could give her a hug. To say that the scene was "powerful to witness" would be an understatement. You can read more and see the touching video here:

Young Man Stuns Courtroom By Forgiving Brother's Murderer, Urging Her To Seek Christ

This event and trial have been plagued with charges of racism, hatred, and division. But Brandt decided to break through all that to show Amber the love and forgiveness of Christ offered to everyone who will seek it. I am reminded tonight of the words of one of my favorite songs growing up on the 90s:
"We're colored people and we live in a tainted place...We've got a history so full of mistakes. And we are colored people who depend upon a holy grace." 
If these lyrics do not sound familiar, or you are recalling them for the first time in a while and want to hear the song again, here is the original music video from dc Talk:

It is only in the Christian worldview that we find unity in this amazing colorful diversity. We are all created in the Image of God with equal and intrinsic value. We all make mistakes, mistakes with some of the most devastating and fatal impacts and consequences on our fellow human beings, but there is no mistake that is beyond the forgiveness of a loving God for those who genuinely seek His forgiveness. It is my prayer that Guyger seeks this forgiveness.

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For more on this unique features of the Christian worldview, I encourage you to check out these additional posts:

Is There Meaning To Life?

Is There #Meaning to #Life?


An interesting TED Talk came across my Facebook feed a few weeks ago. The talk focused on finding meaning in life. More and more people are discovering that pursuing happiness is leading them nowhere. They discover that every time they think that something obtainable or achievable will make them happy, once that has been obtained or achieved, that happiness lasts only for a short time. Then a discovery is made of something else that is greater than what they originally thought would make them happy, and they pursue that. This process repeats numerous times until they reach the top, then they realize that there is nothing left, yet they still feel unfulfilled. This TED Talk attempts to address that problem by positing that instead of pursuing happiness, people should pursue meaning. Here is a link to the talk, and I highly recommend that you watch it in full before continuing with this post: There's more to life than being happy- Emily Esfahani Smith.

On The Surface

The speaker recognizes the problems that the pursuit of happiness brings: unhappiness, unfulfillment, depression, and suicidal tendencies. The offered solution gives hope to those who are depressed and tired of the pursuit of happiness. From a pragmatic perspective of survival, this talk was quite encouraging and invigorating. However, regardless of the survival advantage that it provides if one believes the claims, if the claims in the talk do not reflect reality (are not true), then the person who believes them has traded the truth for a lie in the name of mere survival- a delusion that is evolutionarily necessary to believe if we wish to win the survival game. If the speaker is presenting a delusion, then, for those who value truth and knowledge as well as survival, the talk is truly as useless as the solution it wishes to supplant. So, for the sake of truth, the claims need to be investigated and analyzed at a deeper level.

11 Quotes From Ravi Zacharias On Humanity's Predicament

"When we look into the human heart we see the lust, the greed, the hate, the pride, the anger, and the jealousies that are so destructive. This is at the heart of the human predicament, and the Scriptures call this condition sin."

"The more we see the unconscionable ends to which the human spirit can descend when it is determined to remain autonomous, the more our confidence in human methods diminishes."

"None of us like the concept of law because none of us like the restraints it puts on us. But when we understand that God has given us his law to aid us in guarding our souls, we see that the law is for our fulfillment, not for our limitation. The law reminds us that some things, some experiences, some relationships are sacred. When everything has been profaned, it is not just my freedom that has been lost-- the loss is everyone's. God gave us the law to remind us of the sacredness of life, and our created legal systems only serve to remind us of the profane judgments we make."

Atheism, Evil and Ultimate Justice

Tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America. This attack shook the world. It abruptly ended nearly 3000 valuable lives and destroyed countless others. It forced people to recognize evil, ask if justice could ever be served, and challenged our ability to move on.

As a Christian it pains me to see such evil in the world. It hurts worse to see atrocities committed in the name of a religion. Many atheists share my feelings and have even become militant against all forms of religion because of it. They claim that there is no way religion can possibly be true if it causes such needless pain and suffering in the world. I want to take a few moments to discuss evil, justice, and forgiveness in the context of the events from a decade ago within both the Christian and atheist worldviews.